Trajectory Schema

Cover Image for Trajectory Schema

Throwing food and balls unendingly. Pushing objects off of benches like a cat. Kicking toys along the ground. Watching bubbles and cars. Pouring water from one cup to another, or just all over the floor. These things are clues that your child is exploring the trajectory schema.

They are trying to answer scientific research questions about things like:

How will it fall? Fast or slow?

What will happen when it hits the ground? Will it smash, splat, bounce or make an interesting noise?

What else do I know that moves like this?

Without this schema, we can't learn to play sports, drive a car, run for and board a train, calculate kinematic equations, drop a protected egg from great heights without it cracking, or land a plane.

Opportunities to explore this schema at Discovery Time include:

  • mark making on various surfaces.
  • projecting colour and light onto walls and bodies and interestingly shaped objects.
  • building and toppling towers.