Marks, Words & Materials Investigation

Cover Image for Marks, Words & Materials Investigation

Come and see with your hands and eyes; use all of your senses. Experiment with the qualities of sound here. Our whole body is involved. Use different postures and approaches to try things without fear of mistakes. Embrace chance and accidents. In fact, use them creatively.

Here we have an active exploration of mark making tools. You will find paintbrushes of different sizes, pencils, pens, materials with different surfaces textures and sizes. Papers of different colours, grains and weights. Plastics, metals, stones. These all receive marks in unending different ways - often unexpected and surprising.

Children have the opportunity to produce something tangible like a story or a comic book. They may also choose to simply investigate the different and often seemingly meaningless way they can make marks - even if they can already read and write.

Rotational investigations

The many colours of blacks and whites

An exploration of the depths of blacks and whites. There is a wealth of nuance and shade, to be experimented with different materials, lights and juxtapositions. These are not opposite colours but interconnected in a series of subtle chromatic tonalities. This investigation is an invitation not to think in opposites, but always look for connections. Children are especially connected to the wonders of blacks and whites. They see past the flat, one dimensional tones into a world of possibilities and misunderstandings.

Analogical and digital drawings

Combine traditional drawing tools with digital technologies in a deep investigation of marks. Pencils, microscopes, pens and webcams connect to magnify and make visible things that are infinitely small. Explore the structure of materials and tools. Project the minute onto the walls and explore them in great detail. Go beyond the stereotypes of drawing.

Transient art

Art does not stay still and cannot be kept forever. Design a fleeting creation with loose parts, mirrors, frames, thread and water. Examine the possibilities and juxtapositions without finality or a finished product. Work alongside others to bring something new to life, then another, then another.

Artwork containing marks and words

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